Our Spotlight on the Arts shines brightly on visual and multi-media artist, Esther Ryu!

We met Esther close to a year ago, following her recent move to Maryland. She stopped by our office and we had a wonderful chat about her journey from California as well as her art form. We were fascinated by her unique style and wanted to learn more!

How long have you been involved with your art form?
I started digital art seven years ago when my husband bought me my first Apple Pencil. However, my journey with art began much earlier, as I explored different painting styles as a hobby since high school and college. It has been a journey of exploration and growth, allowing me to express my creativity and connect with others through my work.

What have been your artistic inspirations?
My inspirations have evolved over time, but family, friends, and nature have always played a significant role. Presently, I find inspiration in motherhood, nature, and the warm and vibrant community around me.

Do you have a favorite medium and style?
I love creating digital art in a watercolor style, which allows me to blend colors seamlessly and achieve a soft, ethereal effect. Additionally, I enjoy working with fluid acrylics to create abstract paintings. Lastly, I love creating framed origami pieces. These mediums and styles enable me to convey a sense of peace, harmony, and inner strength through my work.

Is your artwork available for purchase?
Yes, my artwork is available for purchase mainly on my website: www.estherryulee.com. Locally, you can find my work at the St. Mary’s Art Council Gallery and Gift Shop. I also participate in local art shows and exhibitions, which I announce on my social media pages. Additionally, my artwork will be featured at the Port of Leonardtown Winery during the month of July 2024. This art showcase will feature a variety of my favorite forms: acrylic paintings, digital paintings, and origami.

How long have you lived in St. Mary’s County?
I have lived in St. Mary’s County for almost a year. My husband moved out here after graduating from Stanford Business School in the state of California, and I was recovering from long COVID.

We wanted to be closer to nature in a smaller community, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I love it here and have found the area to be incredibly welcoming and inspiring.

What are a few of your other interests or occupations outside of your art?
Outside of my art, my top hobby is practicing Tae Kwon Do at Master Shim’s Black Belt Academy, which I started last November 2023 and have been hooked on ever since. I also enjoy working out, hot Pilates, and photography. These activities help me stay grounded and inspired.

Please also include anything else that you would like to share with us.
I am grateful for the support of the St. Mary’s County Arts Council and the opportunity to share my work with the community. Art has the power to connect us all, and I’m excited to continue this journey with the wonderful people around me.

Thank you for this opportunity to be featured, and I look forward to seeing everyone at the Port of Leonardtown Winery in July!

Media Links:

Thank you, Esther, for sharing your story with us and being a valuable part of our artistic community!

Note: Esther has also recently released a book that she wrote and illustrated! All the Things I Love is a children’s book about childhood memories, our connection to nature, and reliving the magic of each moment. This book reminds little readers to slow down, observe all things around them, and enjoy each moment!

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