ANNAPOLIS, MD, May 17, 2024 — Maryland’s multi-layered audit process for elections has once again demonstrated its effectiveness in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of election results. This robust system, designed to protect against errors and misinformation, recently identified and corrected a discrepancy in the initial election night results reported from Baltimore City.

Election Night Process and Initial Reporting

On election night, results from certified ballot scanners are uploaded by local election officials to an election night reporting network. These results, posted automatically to the State Board’s website, are considered unofficial until they undergo a thorough verification process. The next day, a mandatory 100 percent verification audit is conducted to cross-check the uploaded results against an internal certified network and log reports. Any discrepancies discovered during this process trigger an immediate investigation.

Independent Third-Party Audit

In addition to the initial verification, an independent third-party firm conducts a separate automated audit using specialized software to tabulate ballot images and verify vote totals. This audit compares the independent tabulation results with those from the voting system, ensuring a comprehensive review of the election outcomes. The use of ballot images in these audits enhances accuracy by leveraging technology and reducing human error, while also maintaining the security of the voting process.

Discovery of Discrepancy in Baltimore City

Following the unofficial election night results posted on May 15, the local boards of elections began their post-election verification audits. During the 100 percent verification audit, officials discovered a mismatch between the Baltimore City results in the unofficial election night reporting totals and the certified internal reporting system. This discrepancy prompted an automatic investigation by the local board in collaboration with the State Board.

Investigation and Resolution

The investigation revealed that Baltimore City’s unofficial election night reporting totals had overreported the number of votes cast by approximately 590 votes. The source of the overreport was identified as human error. The issue was promptly addressed, and the results were corrected. The State Board and Baltimore City Board of Elections expressed confidence that all votes canvassed to this point have been accurately aggregated and tabulated. The ongoing post-election audit of ballot images will further verify this accuracy.

Assurance to Voters

The swift identification and correction of the discrepancy underscore the importance of Maryland’s post-election verification and audit processes. These measures are essential for maintaining the integrity of the voting process, ensuring that every vote is counted accurately. Voters can rest assured that their votes have been correctly tallied, and the results will be verified through the comprehensive post-election audit.


Maryland’s rigorous election audit process continues to play a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity of election results. The discovery and correction of the Baltimore City vote discrepancy highlight the system’s effectiveness in identifying and resolving issues promptly. As the State Board of Elections completes the post-election audits, Maryland voters can have confidence in the accuracy and reliability of their election outcomes.

David M. Higgins II is an award-winning journalist passionate about uncovering the truth and telling compelling stories. Born in Baltimore and raised in Southern Maryland, he has lived in several East...

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