English may seem like a simple language, but most people often make many grammatical errors. Even the native speakers are not an exception since they don’t have a good grasp, especially when writing. One primary reason for these mistakes is due to improper teaching in school. Therefore, don’t worry; you are not alone. Most students often grapple with grammar, resulting in poor-quality papers. That is why Take My Test For Me Online helps students who can’t craft meticulous academic papers.

We have compiled a guide to give more insights into the English language’s common errors and how to rectify them. Moreover, with all the rules in this article, you will become a better grammarian with good command of the written language. Moreover, the native speakers will also get insightful information from Engineering assignment writing service to improve their grammatical proficiency.

The following are some grammatical errors and rules to guide you in using the appropriate phrases.

Wrong Use of Apostrophes.

Incorporating apostrophes implies the possession of a particular subject. Many students often place apostrophes wrongly, not knowing it is a significant grammatical error. They use it to indicate a plural word, especially if it has a vowel at the end. Adding an S after the apostrophe is a big no since it makes the word peculiar. 


The apostrophe is used to express ownership of a particular entity to another person. For example, “The boy’s toy.”

When the entity is in the plural form, the apostrophe comes after the ‘S.’ For example, “The boys’ toys.”

Contracted phrases also use apostrophes, such as can’t, and don’t, from the words, cannot, and do not, respectively. Remember, never use an apostrophe mark to indicate plural words.

Errors you can avoid include:

  • The cows’s are grazing.
  • Pencil’s for selling.
  • During the 1950’s.
  • The boys books are in the classroom.

How to correct the above mistakes: 

  • The cows are grazing.
  • Pencils for selling.
  • During the 1950s.
  • The boys’ books are in the classroom.

Use of Your/you’re

Many people often confuse using ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re,’ or the other way. ‘Your’ implies ownership of something, and it is a grammatical error if you replace it with ‘you’re.’


“Your” shows that you possess something – for instance, “Your car.”

“You’re” is a short form of “you are.”

Errors you can avoid include:

  • Your very angry.
  • Are you aware of when your leaving?
  • Can I borrow you’re pen?
  • Your the top student in school.

How to correct the above mistakes: 

  • You are very angry.
  • Are you aware of when you’re leaving?
  • Can I borrow your pen?
  • You’re the top student in school.

Use of It/it’s

As we mentioned above, apostrophes usually express ownership of something. But the term ‘it’ does not comply with the rule. As expected, it confuses many people, even the native speakers. However, if you master the rule, using it will come out naturally.


“It’s” – Including an apostrophe to ‘it’ is allowed if you want to use ‘it is’ in a sentence.

“Its” – You can use the word without an apostrophe if you are indicating possession to a particular entity that is not a person. “Its” means that something belongs to a non-living object, not a human (not his or hers). Thus, humans possess things but not inanimate objects.

Errors you can avoid include:

  • Its raining today.
  • The seat is neat with it’s pillow.
  • The car has it’s special detergent.

How to correct the above mistakes: 

  • It’s raining today.
  • The seat is neat with its pillow.
  • The car has its special detergent.

Use of Could/would/should of

Another grave grammatical error that many students make without their knowledge is the use of ‘could/would/should of.’ Most people often confuse the terms instead of using the contracted words “could’ve, would’ve or should’ve.” It is more formal and grammatically correct to use “could’ve” or “could have” and not “could of.”


“Should of” – People who use this term often mean “should have” at the end.

“Should’ve” – is the short contracted form of “should have”

Both the above words are correct, but “should have” is more professional and formal.

Errors you can avoid include:

  • She could of traveled yesterday.
  • My mother would of come to visit.
  • He should of confessed immediately.

How to correct the above mistakes: 

  • She could’ve traveled yesterday.
  • My mother would have come to visit.
  • He should’ve confessed immediately.

Use of There/their/they’re

Another common error among students is the use of ‘there, their, and they’re”. The words have the almost a similar pronunciation but portray different connotations.


“There” – is used to show a particular place far away – for instance, “Can you go there?”

You can incorporate the term in a statement – e.g., “There are many sweets on the table.”

“Their” – shows ownership of something e.g., “Their car is clean.”

“They’re” – is a contracted word for “they are,” e.g., They’re good children. 

Errors you can avoid include:

  • Their leaving tomorrow.
  • You should meet they’re representative.
  • You can use there car today.
  • Their is a saying that people must follow.

How to correct the above mistakes: 

  • They’re leaving tomorrow.
  • You should meet their representative.
  • You can borrow their car today.
  • There is a saying that people must follow.

Use of Fewer/Less

You may want to use the phrase ‘fewer,’ but you mean ‘less.’ It is a common grammatical error that students often make without knowing. While it seems they have a similar meaning, they have a slight variance.


“Fewer” – represents countable things.

“Less” – denotes uncountable things, like rice, air, water, sand, etc. 

Errors to avoid include:

  • We have less sweets remaining for the children.
  • Please pick twenty items or less.

How to correct the above mistakes: 

  • We have fewer sweets remaining for the children.
  • Please pick twenty items or fewer.

These are numerous other mistakes that students make while writing academic papers or informal letters. Therefore, if you need more examples and how to avoid the grammatical errors, Takemyexamonline has top English experts to help you in your journey to becoming a meticulous grammarian.


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  1. This was pretty good, I’m sure it’ll be very helpful to whomever reads it. However, the explanation of “its” is confusing. Not wrong per se, but incomplete and a tad contradictory. First of all, non-human does not entail not living, its is completely valid in reference to an animal. Secondly, the humans possess, inanimate objects don’t idea is wrong. “Its” is a possessive determiner, “belonging to” means “possessed by”. It does not matter, as I suspect you may have intended that the thing is not aware, gramatically speaking inanimate objects (and animate animals) do “posess”.

    Also I’d be remiss to not make the case against the less and fewer dichotomy. That rule is prescribed based on the writing and personal preference of a single grammarian from the 1700s and does not in fact reflect the true usage now nor did it at the time – less is arguably “correct” in most circumstances. ?

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